Dramatic summer vibes at Raphael’s Park Romford as Impact Capital sponsors open-air theatre 🎭

July 6, 2022

Culture and the performing arts are fundamental parts in shaping a strong community by promoting inclusion, engagement as well as the health and wellbeing of a successful society.  

Amongst over 1,100 active theatres in the UK, a one-of-a-kind performing arts organisation exists, hidden between the trees of Raphael’s Park this summer- The Romford Shakespeare Theatre (RST).  

RST is a theatre company performing open-air Shakespeare plays at The Rockery, in the beautiful Raphael’s Park (Romford). It was founded in 1962, when two institutions - Romford Civil Defence Players and Romford Children's Theatre - joined forces to form Romford Summer Theatre, now rebranded as Romford Shakespeare Theatre.    

2022 is set to be a landmark year for RST as it marks 60 years of performing Shakespeare plays, uniting the local community in their love of arts and the playwright himself. However, what makes this diamond anniversary more special is that the theatre has finally reopened to the public after 2 years of ‘inactivity’ brought on by the pandemic.  

To celebrate the occasion, RST kick started their annual shows by performing Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’, which took them 5 long years to prepare and perfect in time for the ‘grand opening’. 

‘The Tempest’ is a play about magic, betrayal, love and forgiveness. It is set on an island somewhere near Italy where Prospero, the one-time Duke of Milan, and his beautiful daughter, Miranda, live with a sprite called Ariel and a strange creature called Caliban.   

“It is our 60th year. 60 years ago, on this very stage ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ was performed and it was our first RST production. This time is the first time we perform ‘The Tempest’ […] and I’m glad you are all here for it.” said Paul Sparrowham – co-director (with Mark Griffiths) of The Tempest, during the opening show on Thursday evening (30th of June).  

Impact Capital Group had the pleasure of sponsoring and attending the unique open-air experience, and what an exquisite show it was! 

The performance was truly unforgettable; each of the talented actors animated every line with so much passion and emotion it brought Shakespeare’s poetic story to life. 

This coupled with the picturesque backdrop of Raphael’s Park made it into an utterly magical and unique experience. 

Theatrical plays give us not only the opportunity to interact with one another in a positive environment but also to communicate our thoughts, ideas, and emotions. 

Romford Shakespeare Theatre’s invaluable contribution to society and the cultural life of Romford is undeniable. 

That is why IMPACT CAPITAL GROUP are so grateful to be part of RST’s journey in strengthening the cultural heritage of Romford and will continue to promote, support and sponsor the Havering Art’s Council as long-term theatre and public arts partner of Havering Arts Council. 


To experience a unique and dramatic evening this summer, book your tickets for the show here.  

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