- 60 seconds of impact
The built environment is one of the biggest polluters in the world, damaging our planet and our children’s future. Urbanisation often leads to loss of habitat for our urban wildlife too.
We are committed to be conscious and address these issues. From building eco-friendly neighbourhoods through to providing businesses with working environments where they can adopt our sustainable practices as their own. Together, IMPACT CAPITAL GROUP are working towards a carbon net zero future.
From internal recruitment through to the way we design our workspaces, we aspire to create socially inclusive environments. We intend to make our values speak for themselves, through what we do.
The Grenfell Tower incident and COVID-19 are just two examples of the importance in practicing and promoting safety and wellbeing for our staff, residents, clients and the greater community.
That is why all of our operations adopt rigorous safety measures and endorse wellbeing at every opportunity.
We are experiencing an acute shortage of housing, particularly social and genuinely affordable homes. This has led to spiralling rents and house prices across the country, and a rapid rise in homelessness. Nobody should live out on the street.
It is our ambition to address the housing crisis across the UK, helping Local Authorities and Social Landlords meet their targets, whilst placemaking high quality, sustainable, safe and inclusive neighbourhoods.